

The battle lines have been drawn. To the left, there are followers of Senator Barack Obama who choose to follow his promise of "change" or simply choose not to allow another Republican into the office of President to continue the work of President Bush. On the right, you'll find supporters of Senator John McCain. There are those who support Senator McCain because they sincerely believe that he is the leader that this country needs, and those who are choosing the right simply to keep Senator Obama out of the position of power & influence that they feel could be devastating to this country. And here I am ~ in the middle looking around and shaking my head in intense sadness. Sadness to see how divided our people have become. The terrible war between the North & South didn't divide our country nearly as bad as this political election of 2008. I have heard so many talk about the division this election has caused. Liberal against conservative, family against family, rich vs. poor ... the list goes on. Some have even tried to make it a black vs. white issue. In my 40-something lifetime, I have never seen so much anger, intolerance, and injustice displayed in a political contest. Sadder still, I too feel that with this election will come devastating change ~ irregardless of which man wins the coveted prize of being the new leader of the free world.

As I look closely at these two men, I have to ask myself "why?". Why have the people who stood shoulder to shoulder during the World Wars, the people who have fought together all around the enormous globe for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the people who open their hearts & homes so willingly to victims of disaster turned on each other in such hateful ways? What was once "one nation under God" has become a free-for-all for power & idealism.

Then what? After the election of 2008 is all over next week, then what? Will the country be unified once again? Will the "loosing" party accept defeat gracefully and resolve to stand under the authority of the victor and support their cause? I was thinking about all of this earlier, and the thought of divorce came to mind. Have you ever seen and/or been the child of divorcing parents? My wonderful parents never put us through that, but my own children can tell you first-hand how ugly & awful that feeling is. After this election, will we all just kiss & make up or will the hateful words & deeds stay with us to fester until another dividing outburst occurs? Quite frankly, I now understand a little better how a child of divorce must feel.

I've received & read the countless anonymous emails listing the flaws & sins of each candidate. My oldest son made a good point when he said that those emails angered him because no one would take ownership of the message. It more often than not was written anonymously and dronefully passed on by people without regard. (I'm paraphrasing ... he's actually more long-winded than I am.) Well, after alot of thought and prayer. I'm going to take ownership. I could easily slip in & out of the voting booth without so much as a word to anyone. (Most people would prefer it that way, but then they aren't the ones who choose to read my stuff anyway.) I am sharing this only to ask you to think about something. By now, you have probably chosen which side of the battle line you will be on. But, before you go to the polls next Tuesday to exercise your wonderful right as an American citizen, ask yourself why. Why do you choose the candidate that you choose? Why do you feel as passionately as you do? On Wednesday morning, can you look at yourself in the mirror and not be ashamed that you've compromised your principles? More importantly, can you bow your head in prayer and not feel that your Father may be ashamed of your choice & action?

I, like you, made my choice months ago. After reading the Liveprayer devotional by Bill Keller this past Tuesday, I knew I needed to at least voice my concerns. I've posted the devotional on the sojourner site. It's a little long, intense, and more than likely going to upset you. But, you can read it here: Before you vote. (If by that point you haven't become so upset with me, please feel free to wander through Sojourner2heaven. Prayerfully, it'll be a blessing.) I have chosen to support Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution party. If your interested in knowing more about him, here's a link to the Constitution party.

I've probably said too much by now. But, I've taken ownership of my opinion, and would like to hear feedback. Whatever your views and whichever side you are on ... exercise your freedom and get out next Tuesday & VOTE.

May the Lord bless you & may He have mercy on this country.

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