
Change ~ It's a coming

The last of the low pressure systems has finally passed and I'm coming back into it again. Thank you for your patience. It's supposed to get up to 27 degrees today. After these past few day, that's almost a heat wave.

Tomorrow starts the beginning of the "change" that we've been hearing about these past two years. Please continue to pray that the first change we hear about is the one where God turns 'President' Obama's heart toward Him.

During these past few days, I've been scanning the headlines around the world. I don't think I can remember a time when the world atmosphere has been charged with so much anxiety. Mr. Obama will without a doubt be the most "watched" man in the world. Foreign leaders are questioning if he will be an ally or enemy; financial folks are looking to see if this man can turn our economy around or in some cases ~ can they convince him that they need a piece of the bale out giveaway (ie: planned parenthood); even the small town newspapers are watching anxiously to see what will happen next. I can say without a doubt or hesitation that after today, things will never be the same. Please continue to pray for Mr. Obama and for this nation.

May the Lord bless you.

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