
Rainy Day Thoughts

It’s been a quiet week here at the cabin. We’ve been getting some of that slow ground-soaking rain that we’ve been needing so badly. Rumor has it that this is supposed to continue throughout the weekend. By the time it’s over, I’ll be ready to see sunshine again. There hasn’t been much going on around here lately. Honey has been fortunate enough to stay working steady and hopefully he’ll get a full season before layoffs again.

I’ve spent a part of this quiet time studying up to write some devotionals for Sojourner. I’ve fallen down on the job recently. Unfortunately my concentration hasn’t been very good lately. My thoughts have been fluttering around like a butterfly in a yard full of flowers. I usually have my best thoughts when I’m up to my elbows in dirty dishes. But the minute I dry my hands and sit down at the keyboard, my mind has jumped the track and I draw a blank. I’ve thought about using one of those little tape recorders to record my thoughts, then play the recording back when the timing is better. But, have you ever listened to yourself on tape? I sound terrible! I never did like the sound of my own voice, although some would probably beg to differ. Speaking of dirty dishes … I only wanted to quickly touch base anyway to say Hi and let everyone know that we’re alive and still putting one foot in front of the other.

Have a great day & may the Lord bless you.

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