
In the Craziness ... God's blessings shine

It's been a crazy week or so here at the cabin. We went from several sub-zero days and nights to around 40 degrees last week! Praise God for the sunshine!!! We were all so excited that we were outside on the deck in our shirtsleeves just soaking in the sun's warmth. I'm sure if anyone was watching, we looked absolutely crazy, but we didn't care. Winter has been here so long that we were ready to shed our coats and act a little nuts.
For the last week we've had company and have loved every minute of it. Our dear friend Christina was up from North Carolina, and was suppose to fly back on Friday; but the weather has a way of changing our plans and all flights on the East coast were canceled until today. We were all thrilled that she was able to stay just a bit longer. She got to see a full-fledged snowstorm and even went snow plowing with the Mountain Man. He loved the company and I'm sure that Southern girl had an experience of a lifetime.
I was thinking again today how God uses each member of the family to add something special to the family as a whole. One may add humor, another may add loving comfort, and yet another may add a thirst for knowledge. As I look at our family, I can see how each member has added wonderful gifts and talents that have enhanced all our lives. My Mama has, without realizing, modeled for me not just a love for each member of our little clan, but also an appreciation for each person's unique talents and views. I pray that I too can model this encouragement and appreciation for my own children. Thanks Mama.

May the Lord bless you.

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